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Month in Review September 2010: The Alchemy of Empire

Cesar Chavez's Legacy of Peace

United Farm Workers President Arturo S. Rodriguez issued the following statement on Jan. 22, 2003, on behalf of the Cesar Chavez-founded union.

Cesar Chavez's legacy is all about peace and non-violent action. If there was ever atime for Cesar's legacy to come alive it is now. Basic principle demands that the United Farm Workers of America, AFL-CIO joins national and global efforts in opposing the Bush administration's plans to mount a "preemptive" war in Iraq. President

Cesar Chavez, United Farm Workers founder.

Bush has not offered convincing evidence to the American people that war is needed because Iraq poses a real threat to our country. Yet such a use of U.S. military force would require thousands of young men and women, many of them people of color, to fight overseas in the name of democracy.

President Bush's war in Iraq would do lasting harm to our democracy here at home.

Congressional staff and think-tank experts estimate this war would cost as much as $200 billion, requiring reductions in public spending on job creation, health care, welfare, the environment and other vital government programs. Little or no U.S. funds would be available to aid cash-strapped state governments such as California, Arizona, Texas and Washington state that could soon slash health and welfare programs for poor and minority residents, including farm workers. White House officials say reductions are needed to place the federal budget "on a war footing."

Increased military spending plus budget cuts would cause more despair for millions of impoverished working families, including farm workers, who are among the poorest and most abused workers in America. The latest U.S. Department of Labor figures show 90 percent of California farm workers earn less than $10,000 a year and 90 percent have no health coverage.

With $1.4 billion in federal funding needed to save the Los Angeles County health care system from collapse, the Bush administration wants to spend $200 billion on the war in Iraq--and $2 billion on just one B-2 bomber.

Month in Review

August 2010:
U.S. Militarism

July 2010:
Making Monsters
of Nations

June 2010:
Passing the Torch

May 2010:
Militarism Run Amok

PAST articles

Detoit: I Do Mind Empire (USSF Recap)

“Bring the War
Money Home”

Time for Rebirth:
The U.S. Antiwar Movement

War Weariness, Military Heft, and
Peace Building

The Global Military Industrial Complex

A Stalled
Peace Movement?

Bush's Iraq “Surge”: Mission Accomplished?

Iran: Let's Start with Some Facts

Nuclear Weapons Forever

Time to End the Occupation of Iraq

First-Hand Report from the Middle East

Haditha is Arabic
for My Lai

A Movement to End Militarism

From Soldier to
Anti-War Activist

Students Not Soldiers

Israel's "Disengagement"
From Gaza

U.S. Soldiers
Say No To War

It's Still Going On

Help Stop Torture —
Raise Your Voice

Be All You Can Be:
Don't Enlist