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Month in Review September 2010: The Alchemy of Empire

U.S. Funds Israeli Occupation

Israel is the largest recipient of U.S. financial aid in the world, receiving a staggering $14 million per day for the last 25 years.
Direct U.S. aid to Israel routinely has amounted to around $3 billion each year (usually 60 percent military and 40 percent economic) for the last quarter century. Israel usually gets another two to three billion dollars in indirect U.S. aid, such as loan guarantees and special grants. These funds have subsidized Israel's huge military and its use of the most modern military equipment against the Palestinians and other Arabs.

Between 1949 and 2001 the U.S. gave Israel more than $94 billion, according to the American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise. This is more than the U.S. gave to the countries of sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean combined. These countries have a total population of over one billion mostly poor people. Israel has only six million people and one of the highest per capita incomes in the world.


Sources: www.palestinemonitor.org and www.sustaincampaign.org.

Month in Review

August 2010:
U.S. Militarism

July 2010:
Making Monsters
of Nations

June 2010:
Passing the Torch

May 2010:
Militarism Run Amok

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