Dave "Big" Deal

ManxMania Newsletter

Our Newsleter–Manx Mania– is published four times a year. Now in color!

Recent issues are available online, on PDF format, for Manx Club Members only.
You can find them in our Manx Club Forums; look under:
Manx Club Membership & Forum Information > Manx Club Newsletter - Manx Mania.

Fall 2013

Big Bear Bash 2013 Breaks Even More Records!

Big Bear: Show-N-Shine1st and 2nd Place Winners; 'Canadian Couple's Annual Buggy Trip to Big Bear' by Vincent Parisien & France
: Awards, Drawing at the Bulleton-Solvang Run; 'Who knew? We didn't' by Connie Breedlove.
Banx: 'News from the East Coast' reported by Bud Zeller.
Also, 'Message from the Board President' by Scott Drolet; 'From the Desk of Meyers' by Bruce Meyers; 'Buggy Life' by Don Giovanoni; and 'Winnie's Whims' by Winnie Meyers.

Summer 2013

The Burro Issue Revisited!

Featuring: 'The 1967 Hilder Thompson Burro#1' by Steve Heckert; 'Rick James: One of the first burro drivers in the Baja 1000' by Anita Kornoff; 'The Dodson Burro' by Nelson Sparks; 'The Volvo Burro' by Steve Heckert; 'The Hawk Burro' by Gene Booth.
Also: 'Five Years Ago This Month' by Anita Kornoff'; 'Message from the Board President' by Scott Drolet; 'Off-Road Racing's History' by Bruce Meyers.

Sring 2013

Special Dunebuggies In Action!

Also: 'Living Life with Gusto' by Bruce Meyers; 'Winnie's Whim' by Winnie Meyers; 'Installing a Heater' by Joseph Sellars; 'First Generation Manx' by Nelson Sparks; 'Corvair Powered Manxes' by Tom Swajkos; 'Fiberglass Narcosis' by Mel Folkertsma; Members news and events; and more!

Winter 2012

2012 Grand Finale Issue, celebrating another great year for the Manx Club!

With complete reviews and photos from the last two Club Runs of the Year:
Cool Country Nights, by Connie Breedlove.
Manx On The Banx, by Bud Zeller

Also, message from Manx Club President, Scott Drolet; 'Winnie's Whims' by Winnie Meyers; 'From the Desk of Meyers' by Bruce Meyers; 'First Generation Manx' by Nelson Sparks; Manx Club BOD Election Results; 'My First Dune Buggy Project' by Richard Huyssen; and 'Fiberglass Narcosis' by Mel Folkertsma.

Fall 2012

Featuring Vince & France Parisien, who traveled 8,200 miles round trip in their buggy to attend Big Bear.

Also 'From the Desk of Meyers' by Bruce & Winnie Meyers; 'Winnie's Whims' by Winnie Meyers; Message from Manx Club President, Scott Drolet; Manx on the Banx preview by Bud Zeller; Glenn Knight on his 1965 Meyers Manx; and 2012 Big Bear Show-n-Shine.

Summer 2012

Featuring: 'Utility Manx #6, part 2' by Bart Shoemaker, 'My Meyers Manx Experience' by Bob Yahn; 'From the Desk of Meyers' by Bruce Meyers; '2012 Manx Club Directors Election'; 'The Ventura County ‘Chapter’ of the Manx Club's Buellton Fun Run' by Connie Breedlove; letter from Stu Havlicek; 'Lone Pine 2012 special'; ' My First Buggy Adventure' by John Gardner; and more!

Spring 2012

Featuring:Message from the Election Director, Joe Spittler, and from the Board President, Scott Drolet; 'From the Desk of Meyers' by Bruce Meyers; 'Utility Manx #6' by Bart Shoemaker, 'The Bruce & Winnie Story' by AnitaKornoff; 'Original Meyers Manx in Europe' by Gert van Braak; 'Winnie's Whims' by Winnie Meyers; and 'Fiberglass Narcosis' by Mel Folkertsma; and more!

Winter 2011

Featuring: "Manx on The Banx" by Jayne Spittler; "Manx Downunder" by Brad Connell; "How Della and I Discovered the Laurel Lakes Run" by Art Beck; "Surf Memories or ‘Where My Heart Is..." by Bruce Meyers; Member Story by Ralph Deckard; "Fiberglass Narcosis" by Mojave Mel; "Number Tags, Panzer Tanks, and Meyers Manx" by Nelson Sparks; and more!

Fall 2011

A very special issue, with a salute to Bruce on the year he turns 85. Featuring the story and photos of "Bruce's BD party" and "USS Hornet Tour with Bruce" by Maurice Q. Liang. Also featuring: "Message From The Manx Club President" by Scott Drolet; "From the Desk of Meyers" by Bruce Meyers; "The Trip Home" by JT Taylor; "Winnie's Whims" by Winnie Meyers; "Number Tags, Panzer Tanks, and Meyers Manx" by Nelson Sparks; "So You Want to Paint Your Buggy…" by Paul McCain; Show-N-Shine Awards Big Bear 2011; and more!

Summer 2011

Featuring: "My Bicycle and Me" by Bruce Meyers; "Got Oil?" by Dasve Rogers; "Buggy News" presenting Shawn & Tami Bowlby; David Barrett’s Story; "Calico 2011–Extreme Run Serendipity" by Joseph Sellars; Geg Lewin's "Calico 2011–Best In Show"; "Fiberglass Narcosis" by Mojave Mel; and more!

Spring 2011

Featuring: "Pete Condos, Creator of the Thomas Crown Manx" by Nelson Sparks; Winnie's "Whims or Reminiscings"; "Buggy Life" by Don Giovanoni; "Does the Manx Club Go Offroad? You betcha!" by Joseph Sellars; Message from the Board President Scott Drolet; "Manx Fold-Down Windshield" by Louis Brooks; "Guidelines to Help Identify an Original Meyers Manx"; "Fiberglass Narcosis" by Mojave Mel; and more!

Winter 2010

Featuring: "Restoration—Buggy and Soul" by Bruce Meyers; Joe Spittler on the Manx Club Board Member Election; "Winnie's "Whims or Reminiscings"; Mexican 1000 Racing Summary Of ‘Bugazon’; Tom Baker's award winning old school Manx; Message from the Board President Scott Drolet; Lifting Up buggies by Louis Brooks; Mammoth Lakes 2010 awards; "The Father of the Dune Buggy Rides Again", a feature story by Larry Websterand; and "Fiberglass Narcosis" by Mojave Mel.

Fall 2010

Features on LONE PINE, by Anita Kornoff, and CARLISLE show, by Bruce Meyers, and pictures from BIG BEAR. Also Joseph Sellars on building his Kick-Out, and Joe Spittler on the Manx Club Board Member Election. Plus our regular sections Don Giovanoni's "Buggy Life", and "Fiberglass Narcosis" by Mojave Mel.

Summer 2010

Featuring "From The Desk of Meyers: NORRA Mexican 1,000 Rally" by Bruce Meyers, "Winnie's Whims", Message from the New Board President Scott Drolet, Don Giovanoni's "Buggy Life", "The Last Manx on Race Point Beach" by Larry Havener, "Fiberglass Narcosis" by Mojave Mel, Calico Shown-N-Shine Winners; and more!

Spring 2010

Featuring "Baja Trip - part 2" by Bruce Meyers, Message from the New Board President Scott Drolet, Membership Report by Joe Spittler, "Manx on steroids" by Maurice Liang; "Members News" by Norm Hardy and Justie Waugaman; "Gone Fish'n - part 2" by Gene Condon; "Bob’s Buggy Build" by Bob Kornoff; "Fiberglass Narcosis" by Mojave Mel; Don Giovanoni's "Buggy Life"; and more!

Winter 2009

Featuring "Baja Trip" by Bruce Meyers, Tahoe Run recap by Bob Hunter, Jayne Spittler, and photos by Maurice Liang; "Members News" with By Thomas Szwajkos; "Gone Fish'n" by Gene Condon; "Barn Find Story" by Mark Bryant; "Fiberglass Narcosis" with homage to Jimbo by Mojave Mel; Joe Spittler on Manx Club Membership; Don Giovanoni's "Buggy Life"; and more!

Fall 2009

Featuring Tahoe Run Recap; "Members News" with By Vincent Parisien & France Rousseau; "Barn Find Story" by Mark Bryant; "Fiberglass Narcosis" by Mojave Mel; "Winnie's Whims"; Don Giovanoni's "Buggy Life"; and more!

Summer 2009

"First Year Anniversary Issue". Featuring Meyers' new "Kick-Out" Manx; Calico Run Recap; "Members News"; "Fiberglass Narcosis" by Mojave Mel; "Winnie's Whims"; Don Giovanoni's "Buggy Life"; and more!

Spring 2009

Featuring Bruce Meyers' tribute to David Helland; "Behind the Wheel" by Mark Bryant; "Not a Subaru!" by Kathleen & Tom Iacobini; "Fiberglass Narcosis" by Mel Folkertsma; "Winnie's Whims"; Don Giovanoni's "Buggy Life"; and more!

Winter 2008

Featuring Bruce Meyers' tribute to the late Dave Deal; Mark Bryant on our last adventure at Lone Pine; Brad Cornell cronicle of Bruce & Winnie's recent trip to Australia; Mel Folkertsma on building a 5-wide rim balancer; Winnie's Whims; Don Giovanoni's Buggy Life; and more!

Fall 2008

From the Desk of Meyers
Death Valley Story
Big Bear Bash'08 Recap
Winnie's Whims
Meyers Manx Store
Next Buggy Run
Calendar of Events

Summer 2008

"The Burro Issue"
Tiny Thompson's Burro
Dodson Burro
Volvo Burro
Hank Burro
Manx Dune Buggy Club Bylaws
Editor's Note
Meyers Manx Store

Club Sponsors  

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