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6. Do Real Estate Agents only show their own company's listings?

NO. Historically though, this may be true. This was because there was no MLS (Multiple Listing System) prior to the 1970's and it wasn't practical or economical for agents to spend so much time to seek out information. There was also a "If you want it, you have to come through me" and "I have secret listings" attitude during this time period.

Since the MLS was created, Real Estate Agents have seen the benefits of opening their listings to the REALTOR population. This has caused properties to be shown more frequently, to be sold at a higher price, and to sell more quickly. Our new, internet based, MLS gives REALTORS in Wayne County up to the second information on homes that are for sell and is used religiously by the majority of Real Estate Agents in the entire country. (Other than New York City, which has considered utilizing the MLS System after the real estate fallout from 9-11.)

This myth is sometimes promoted and purported by desperate agents trying to pressure sellers to list their property with them. I have encountered this from many listing presentation where the seller has disclosed that an agent has told them this. I laugh, of course, because the agents the seller is speaking of have sold several of our listings. realizes the importance of other agents showing our homes and in doing so still offers 2.5% to a potential buyers agent even though your property may be listed for 4%.

If a real estate agent is doing his/her due dilligence he will show a prospective buyer every home that is on the market, (In the MLS), that will meet the buyer's needs. After all, who knows what the buyer wants better than the buyer himself?


Weldon Williford, Broker, REALTOR